You are welcome at the Cuchara Chapel!
The Cuchara Chapel held its first service on August 21, 1949. John and Rae Albright were instrumental in the building of the chapel, not only by the generous gift of the land but also by orchestrating community support for the cost of construction ($3,785.85). The chapel, located in the center of old downtown Cuchara, provided the perfect view of the valley and of the Trinchera mountain range. The words of Psalm 121 carved into the ceiling timbers by then resident artist, Clayton Staples, add to the inspiration: “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills”.
Since the Chapel’s early beginning, hundreds have found a place for summer worship, beckoned by the beauty of the valley to give thanks to the God of all creation. Guest preachers of many different denominations provide the sermon and the worship leadership, while the chapel board oversees the daily operation and care of the facility.
The major benevolence of the Cuchara Chapel is providing scholarships for graduating seniors of Huerfano County. Since the mid 1960’s, scores of scholarships have been given to local students to help with their further education. The Cuchara Chapel is the largest contributor of scholarship funds to graduating high school seniors in Huerfano County.
In 2007, a new memorial organ was added to the chapel, and a new ramp now provides easy access for those with special needs. Locals and those just traveling through are all welcome to worship in this beautiful and intimate place where the people and surroundings are warm and welcoming.